The U.S. Army is Going Back to The Iconic WWII Design For New Uniforms


Worn by the “Greatest Generation” in World War ll, the U.S. Army has decided to go back to wearing the iconic “Army Greens” uniform.

The Army announced that the Army Greens will become the everyday business-wear uniform for all soldiers while the current Army Blues Uniform will return to a more formal dress uniform.

The Operational Camouflage Pattern (OCP) – the Army Combat Uniform – will remain the Army’s duty/field uniform.

The Army also announced that the new uniform will not cost the American taxpayer any additional costs and will be made in the USA.

The Army said enlisted soldiers will be able to purchase the classic uniform with their annual clothing allowance, which will be cost-neutral. Female soldiers have the option to wear the classic uniform with either a skirt or pants and will have multiple shoe options.

U.S. Army

All soldiers will be required to wear the uniform by 2028, but the Army Greens will be given to soldiers as early as the summer of 2020

“We went back and asked, ‘When is the most prominent time when the Army’s service to our nation was universally recognized?’ And the answer came very quickly,” Sgt. Maj. Daniel A. Dailey told the New York Times. “That victory, that impact on the nation, is still felt today by the sons and daughters and grandsons and granddaughters of the ‘Greatest Generation.”

Earlier this year, President Donald Trump remarked about the new uniforms, saying they were a “big deal.”

“Those beautiful new uniforms with the belt — it was a big deal, the belt,” Trump explained. “And if you think those uniforms were inexpensive, they were very expensive. They were very. But they wanted it, and we got it.”

Army spokeswoman, Heather J. Hagan told The Daily Caller that “The reintroduction of this uniform is meant to inspire trust and confidence in our soldiers’ professionalism and readiness.”