Marines to get new night vision, helmets, vehicles, tropical uniforms, and boots


The Marines are all set to get a new night vision, helmets, vehicles, tropical uniforms, and boots.

According to a recent update provided to media by Brig. Gen. A.J. Pasagian, head of Marine Corps Systems Command. the core infantry gear upgrades are nearly over.

Officials confirm that this is more than just enhanced gear, and in fact does more like improving shooting accuracy, upgraded night vision, body armor, vehicle mobility, and basic comfort.

As the Corps are restructured for a different kind of warfare, experimenting with war gaming and exercise simulations are going on to best meet the challenges.

The new Marine Corps tropical uniforms have been tested and begun shipments to units. That will go to units in those climates, primarily the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command.

A new tropical boots for the same marines is expected by 2022, along with the ultra light tactical vehicle fleet.

“That’s really a tremendous utility vehicle that allows you to conduct all sorts of mission role variations, whether logistics carrying ammo, heavy class four stuff, concertina wire,” he said. “We’re also kitting it out with really advanced data networks and data routers.”